Hearing Examiner

The Hearing Examiner system is an authorized process of reviewing quasi-judicial applications as identified in RCW 35A.63.170. The Hearing Examiner is charged with hearing variances, conditional use permits, and appeals of administrative decisions. A Hearing Examiner is an individual who is experienced in land-use decisions, such as a land-use attorney.

On January 11, 2022, the Pullman City Council adopted Ordinance No. 22-2, which created the Hearing Examiner and removed the previously-used Board of Adjustment. As compared to a Board of Adjustment, the use of a Hearing Examiner helps reduce or eliminate issues with a quorum, conflicts of interest, legal-based decisions, and the likelihood of appeals or litigation. Other cities with similar characteristics as Pullman (Wenatchee, Moses Lake, Richland, etc.) in size, budget, and growth, have also adopted a Hearing Examiner ordinance to increase services, timeliness, and reliability to their communities.

The Hearing Examiner for the City of Pullman is Andy Kottkamp. He is an experienced attorney from Wenatchee that serves as a Hearing Examiner for seven counties and 14 cities throughout eastern Washington.

Hearing Examiner regular meetings are held virtually on the third Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m., unless cancelled. If you have any questions or comments regarding the Hearing Examiner process, please feel free to contact the Community Development Department.


Pullman City Code Chapter 1.22  
Hearing ExaminerAndy Kottkamp

Third Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m., virtual meeting

Hearing Examiner Documents

Agendas & Minutes


Hearing ExaminerAndy Kottkamp
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