Lawson Gardens Committee

AuthorityPullman City Code 1.55 (10/05)


Five (5) members appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the City Council. Three (3) consecutive unexcused absences constitute sufficient cause for removal from the Committee.


The first appointed committee members shall be appointed to fill terms as follows: two for one (1) year; two for two (2) years; one for three (3) years. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for a term of three (3) years or remainder of unexpired term.


Lawson Gardens Committee Meeting have been postponed until further notice.

Duties & Responsibilities

It shall be the duty of the Lawson Gardens Committee to seek private donations and grants and provide input to the Parks and Recreation Commission relating to improvements at Lawson Gardens.

Reporting Requirements

Recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be included in the Committee minutes. A copy of the minutes shall be provided to the City Administrator for delivery to the Council.

Agendas & Minutes
MembersMitch Chandler
Kurt Dahmen
Kim Keizur
Mick Nazerali
Karlene Beaumont

Administrative Liaison

Public Service Director
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