Snow and Ice Control

The objective of the City's Snow and Ice control program is to provide adequate traction for vehicles properly equipped for winter driving conditions. Priority is given to streets that carry the largest traffic volume and provide access to life-sustaining essential services (e.g. Pullman Regional Hospital). Limited resources preclude service on lower-priority streets until higher-priority streets have been completed. It can be expected that during storms of high intensity or long duration, drivers on lower-priority streets will encounter snow-packed or icy conditions. Snow and ice control operations will continue until all streets have clear pavement, or plowing and sanding aggregate/salting is no longer effective. For questions regarding snow and ice control or other street-related issues, please contact the City of Pullman Maintenance and Operations Division at 509-338-3243.

Driveway Clearing Guide
Snow Plow Route Maps
Sunnyside Hill, SW Quadrant
Snow Route - Sunnyside - Copy
Military Hill, NW Quadrant
Snow Route - Military - Copy
College Hill, NE Quadrant
Snow Route - College Hill - Copy
Pioneer Hill, SE Quadrant
Snow Route - Pioneer - Copy
NE Terre View Drive
Snow Route - NE Terre View
Airport Road
Snow Route - Airport
Program Overview and Goals
The overall goal of the snow and ice control program is to provide safe access to necessary, life sustaining essential services (such as Pullman Regional Hospital) during ice and/or snow events. It is of utmost importance to focus efforts in the most efficient way that will assist the most citizens. To that end, city crews concentrate initial efforts on primary streets, which are streets that lead to those life sustaining services. It is also recognized that it is of little benefit for primary streets to be passable if other streets leading to the primary streets are impassable. Therefore, as permissible, efforts are extended to transit routes and other non-arterial streets with high volume traffic, many of which are residential streets which is where the majority of the population can be found. Finally, as time and conditions allow all other paved streets, cul-de-sacs, un-paved streets, paved alleys and unpaved alleys that are not designated as primary or secondary streets are plowed. Motorists are strongly urged to use the primary and secondary streets whenever possible to reach their destinations. Motorists are also encouraged to drive slowly, with caution and allow for plenty of stopping distance.

There are many variables that fit into the complicated equation that is snow and ice control. Ultimately the often unpredictable weather is the determining factor for where efforts must be focused. It is possible that if a storm event does not let up the appropriate city staff will determine that additional help may need to be secured and a private contractor might be hired to assist. Because the central business area has no place to store plowed snow without plugging sidewalks or eliminating parking, the first line of attack for this area is to apply liquid deicer to inhibit snow buildup and then solid calcium chloride to facilitate melting of the snow. Complete snow removal takes place in the central business district area typically in conjunction with other non-primary or secondary street plowing and only after all of the primary streets are passable. Removal of snow in the central business district is a delicate operation as there are residents, businesses and pedestrians to take into account. Attempts are made to remove the snow in the central business district, in a manner that takes into account all of these factors. To that end removal of snow from the central business district is usually scheduled for times when the impact would be minimized, such as the early morning hours between midnight and 6 am when traffic flow and pedestrians are minimal.
Description Quantity Use
Grader (Driveway Gate) 2 Remove accumulated snow and ice.
Loader (3 yard)

2 Load trucks with solid calcium chloride/sanding aggregate mixture, sanding aggregate or snow. Plow alleys and dead-end streets.
Truck (3 to 5 Yard, Tailgate Sand Spreader, 11’ Plow with Driveway Gate) 5 Plow snow and apply sanding aggregate or solid calcium chloride/sanding aggregate mixture.
Truck (10 to 12 Yard, Liquid De-ice application equipment, V-Box Sand Spreader, 12’ Plow) 1 Plow snow and apply sanding aggregate, solid calcium chloride/sanding aggregate mixture on heavy snow accumulations and thick ice, apply liquid deicer.
Truck (One-Ton, V-Box Sand Spreader, 8’6” Plow) 2 Plow alleys and narrow streets. Apply solid calcium chloride or sanding aggregate.
Truck (One-Ton, Liquid De-ice application equipment) 2 Apply liquid deicer.

 Description Storage Capacity  Use
Sanding Aggregate

3,500 yards

Applied to streets to help break down heavier snow and/or ice accumulations and provide traction.

Liquid Deicer (Magnesium Chloride with Corrosion Inhibitor) 17,000 gallons

Applied to streets to help inhibit ice buildup and to break down black ice.
Road Salt

60 Tons

Applied to streets to help melt heavy snow and ice accumulations.
Standard year-round staffing for Maintenance Division crew members is Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., with scheduled on-call  coverage for weekends and holiday.

During the months where winter weather is likely, morning and night shifts are implemented. Morning shift runs between 3:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Monday - Friday. Night shift runs 3:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m., Monday - Friday.

Four crew members are scheduled for morning shift, two for night shift, and  the remaining crew members are assigned to the standard 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. day shift. 

Implementation of winter shifts follows weather patterns, as does discontinuing morning and night shifts. There may be times at the beginning and end of winter months that certain shifts may be implemented, or partially implemented, without the full deployment of winter shifts.
Pedestrian Pathway, Sidewalks, and Parking Lots
The City of Pullman Parks, Facilities & Recreation Department removes snow that accumulates on city-maintained sidewalks, the city-owned trail system and city-owned parking lots. This process starts as soon as the snow begins to accumulate in these areas. The objective with respect to parking lots is to provide and maintain off-street parking in recognition that on-street parking may be reduced during snow events.
It is dangerous and difficult to plow streets clogged with parked vehicles. Some streets, especially cul- de-sacs, may not be plowed if plows cannot safely drive down them. The most helpful thing residents can do to facilitate snow removal is to park their cars off the street, and encourage others to do the same. To report parking / traffic violations in your neighborhood, please contact City of Pullman Police Department at 509-334-0802.

For detailed parking code, including College Hill Core Parking restrictions and our 96-Hour Parking Ordinance click here.
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