Irrigation Information

Every Drop CountsEvery Dr p Counts_landscape_Resized - CopyNearly one-third of the total water used each year in Pullman is attributable to outdoor use, primarily landscape irrigation.

Pullman City Code, Chapter 10B (Water Conservation) aims to decrease outdoor water use and facilitate water conservation in the warmer months, through the development of an irrigation management plan. The code establishes an Irrigation:

Season - June 1 to September 30. Outdoor irrigation shall be prohibited at all times not within the Outdoor Irrigation Season. 
Schedule - assigned watering days based on even-odd addresses 
Window -
before 10:00 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m. on your assigned watering days

Irrigation Schedule_2024  - Copy (2)
There are automatic exemptions in place for various construction and home maintenance activities. These guidelines are for outdoor irrigation only. For example, running through the sprinkler is considered recreating, and therefore is not subject to the parameters identified. Similarly, washing a vehicle at your home is not subject to the irrigation guidelines.

Temporary exemptions are available when deemed necessary. To apply for a temporary irrigation exemption you will need to complete and submit an Application for Temporary Exemption from Irrigation Restrictions.

Handheld irrigation, while someone is physically present is ALWAYS allowed, and not subject to the irrigation season, schedule, or watering window.

NEVER should a hose, or another water source, be left running, allowing water waste or irrigation water to be applied to non-landscaped spaces.

Call 509-338-3242 with questions or to learn about other opportunities to conserve.

Find our printable Irrigation Guidelines flyer by clicking here.
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